Monthly News
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Company Auditions
Interested in join our National Winning Company? Company Auditions are August 25th 2024! Join us for Intensive week  to learn the audition day routines by registering online today! Dancers ages 4-18 are welcome to audition!
Registration Is Open
Our 2024-25 season for registration is open! Reserve your spot today! Visit the portal and create an account, or if you already have an account, simply log in and select 'fall 2024-25'. We offer a variety of class styles and levels, welcoming all dancers to join the Intricate Dance family!
New Class Announcement
Tricks And Turns is now for ages 4 and up! Join us two nights a week for a class that focuses on teaching new leaps, turns, and tricks! Dancers will focus on techniques related to strength and flexibility to enhance their dancing. There are two levels and age groups for this class- check out our 2024-25 schedule to see available days and times!